Published On: March 16th, 2025 ¦ Categories: Industry Solutions, Manufacturing Trends, News, TOP Robotic Applications ¦ 5.8 min read ¦ Views: 23 ¦

Lab automation improves oil sample analysis

HF Innovation has developed an automation solution to improve sample analysis in the lab. The extra assistance noticeably lightens the workload for staff.

Opening and closing vial after vial, spending hours analyzing samples – monotonous lab tasks like these have now been consigned to the past. “Our mission is to provide innovative automation solutions that make our customers’ working processes more efficient and convenient,” explains Rainer Kösters, Managing Director of HF Innovation GmbH. They have developed a comprehensive automation solution for one of its customers in Australia that is designed specifically to lighten the workload of lab staff.

When you’re processing 2000 oil samples per day, the time has come to make analysis procedures more efficient and roll out more automation. The frames for this particular new system are made of aluminum profiles from item, primarily from Line XMS. A custom-designed linear robot moves the sample trays from A to B. Thanks to the modular design of item components, it has been possible to optimize the frames for the specific requirements of this project.

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The path to automated sample preparation

Rainer Kösters runs HF Innovation with his partner, Ingo Hüdepohl. The company specializes in developing and implementing robust, high-quality, customer-specific lab automation solutions. HF Innovation has a particular focus on oil and coolant analysis applications, and offers a wide-ranging portfolio that covers everything from sample preparation and fully integrated analysis through to all-in-one solutions that are semi-automated or fully automated.

“We’re currently working on a project for an oil analysis lab at WesTrac,” says Kösters. Australian company WesTrac has been using automation solutions from HF Innovation for years now. Most recently, HF Innovation has worked with its Australian partner AUTONOMA to develop a bespoke concept for automated sample preparation. The concept was completed and the system built in a development timeline of just six months.

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Lightening the load in the lab with automation

Some 2000 samples are analyzed each day in the lab at WesTrac. The oil and coolant samples need to be filled into 100 ml vials and then supplied to the laboratory. In the past, the analysis samples were prepared in an almost entirely manual process that was labor intensive and monotonous. Each sample had to be manually opened so that the necessary quantities for the various analyses could be removed.

The new automation solution is designed to lighten the workload in the lab and optimize laboratory procedures by ensuring that staff no longer need to carry sample trays to the individual sample preparation stations. Instead, linear robots take care of this task. Each tray carries 50 oil samples and weighs 10 kg. Processing 2000 samples a day meant staff had to move 40 of these heavy trays manually, without any assistance from robots. The use of a linear robot has helped to completely eliminate this intensive manual task, reducing the physical strain on staff and making the lab more efficient at the same time. The sample preparation stations are kitted out with two instruments that determine particle content based on the magnetism of the samples.

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Boosting efficiency – a linear robot takes sample quantities

The oil samples are mixed in two sample mixers before individual quantities are taken out for analysis. These mixers are connected to the linear robot. Two fully automated sample preparation machines open the sample vials and use pipettes to take out the separate quantities for three different analyses. Once a sample tray has been processed, the linear robot moves the samples to one of the three integrated particle measuring devices, where each sample is analyzed for particles. “The system is set up for 24-hour operation and works on a fully automated basis,” explains Kösters.

Developing and building the linear robot for transporting the sample trays to the preparation stations was one of the biggest challenges. On-site conditions meant that a specialist construction had to be created, because the system had to be integrated into a pre-existing laboratory that is very long and narrow. All in all, the robot has to travel a distance of 15 meters.

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Lab automation – a stable base frame comes into its own

All the frame components of the system are made from item products. After all, our Line XMS profiles are ideal for building machine cabins. “Line XMS profiles exhibit excellent stability and versatility, and are easily integrated, making them ideal for our requirements,” says Kösters. Thanks to the modular design of the item profiles the frames can be perfectly tailored to the specific conditions and requirements associated with this lab automation project. “Due to the benefits offered by item components, we can offer a high-performance, versatile and futureproof automation solution that meets our customers’ stringent requirements,” emphasizes Kösters.

There are numerous advantages to using our components in systems like these:

  • Modularity and versatility make it easy to adapt and extend systems
  • The high-quality standard and robust nature of the products ensures dependable, fault-free operation over an extended period
  • A standardized construction method ensures simple integration into pre-existing systems

To make sure automation processes such as those in a lab are efficient, the associated frames need to be stable and precise: “That is precisely what Line XMS from item offers. What’s more, the products are not just functional, they’re also aesthetically appealing. This helps give the entire system a neat, professional look,” Kösters explains.

Working together for efficient automation

HF Innovation and item have been working together for many years. This long-standing collaboration paid dividends in this particular project. For example, another challenge posed by the automation solution for WesTrac was the high volume of samples handled each day. To meet the necessary throughput requirements, some processes had to be designed several times.  Thanks to many years of experience with automation and sample-taking systems, HF Innovation already had a range of components and systems it could turn to.

“Our long-standing and close collaboration with item has proven to be especially beneficial for the quality and efficiency of our automation solutions. It means we have no problems discussing issues and optimally integrating components into our projects,” says Kösters. When working with Line XMS profiles, utilizing functions such as their integrated cable conduits and special seal grooves helps you build highly functional machine cabins with ease. In addition, using item example solutions reduces the amount of time you spend on developing and building your system. All this means you can complete projects faster and reduce costs.


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