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Marble run world record using item products
August 3rd, 2017|
More than 100 hours of work, 14,000 individual parts, a length of 1413.67 metres, [...]
Karakuri Kaizen in practice: Interview with an expert
April 25th, 2017|
“You can never be ‘lean enough’.” An interview with our lean production expert Stefan [...]
item goes green
March 14th, 2017|
How one employee in China is supplying his colleagues with fresh fruit and veg. [...]
Art at item – supporting young talent and exploring a passion for collecting
November 8th, 2016|
It was 23 September and the big day had arrived – up-and-coming artists were [...]
Internships at Directech: A new opportunity
August 16th, 2016|
Interns at our South African partner company learn important lessons for their work and [...]