Published On: November 27th, 2020 ¦ Categories: Mexico, News, People ¦ 1.9 min read ¦ Views: 1436 ¦

AWE Inspires A New Generation

The Advancing Women Engineers program had the opportunity to present at Industrial Transformation Mexico, a Hannover Messe event. The objective was to continue supporting the increase of diversity and involvement of women in the fields of STEM, specifically engineering careers. Due to the pandemic and the effect it’s had on the annual ITMexico fair, the conferences were virtual. This year item Mexico Marketing Coordinator Aremy Rosales served as the speaker and representative for item.

Opening the Door to Diversity

Aremy Rosales’ topics included the goals of the Advancing Women Engineers program, but above all focused on the importance of having role models to serve as examples and inspiration for more women and students in STEM.

Inspiring Diversity

In an industry historically dominated by men, where the development and growth of female students or engineers becomes difficult, AWE tries to bridge the gap. Rosales focused on the importance of having mentors who can serve as role models in order to help guide future generations interested in a STEM career.

She also focused on the participation of women in the work environment, and the contributions they provide to knowledge and experience. Above all, however, women also bring leadership that many organizations will find to be favorable. This has led many researches to the conclusion that having women in STEM professions is of great importance for the future due to the need for technological innovations that arise in the workplace.

Rosales posed the question to the audience: “how can you be part of or involved with opening doors to diversity?”

In response, she provided the following opportunities:

  • Support or provide trainings for women whose goal is to pursue an Engineering career
  • Create and promote a welcomingly diverse atmosphere in your workplace
  • Promote outstanding women who are ground breakers and glass ceiling-breakers in the engineering field

The Encouraging Ones

item Mexico, and its counterpart item America, have a team committed to creating an environment that promotes and encourages the involvement of women in engineering, with both personal and professional development.

Citing a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, Aremy Rosales closed off her presentation saying “the future belongs to those who believe in their own dreams,” imploring the audience to pursue their own goals while supporting others.


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