Published On: December 11th, 2017 ¦ Categories: News, USA/ Canada ¦ 1.9 min read ¦ Views: 2947 ¦

Instant tips to keep fit@work with item

The year is fast drawing to a close, which means it’s once again time to make some New Year’s resolutions.

Many people put health at the top of the list – and rightly so – but there’s no need to overdo things. As is so often the case, it’s small but fundamental changes that make all the difference. At work, it’s easy to end up spending long periods in the same position and placing uneven strain on your body. This is precisely where ergonomic principles can help rectify the situation. Many industrial and other staff aren’t sure about the best place to start, though. To make life easier, we’ve put together ten practical ergonomics tips for you.
Practical tips for ergonomic working practices

Whether working in manual assembly or other areas, we now spend hour after hour sitting in the same position. Humans aren’t really built for that, though. We’ve only been sitting for long periods for around 250 years. It quickly takes its toll, causing tension and – all too often – pain. Straightforward but effective exercises can help, especially if you’re not able to take advantage of a sitting/standing workstation. Stretching parts of the body such as the calf muscle, the back of the leg and the lateral muscles of the torso eases cramping.

You can download our ergonomics tips here for free without registering:

Download our ergonomics tips

Best of all, these ergonomics exercises aren’t simply intended for staff working at an ergonomically designed production work bench. They can be used by anyone who wants to counteract the negative effects of being in the same position for long periods day after day at work. You’ll find everything you need at any standard office desk, but we’ve also got a range of tips for working at an industrial work bench. Our ergonomics FAQs cover the main points you should bear in mind when it comes to tool stowage, work chairs and work bench lighting.

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