Published On: August 11th, 2020 ¦ Categories: Know-how, Industries, News ¦ 2 min read ¦ Views: 1670 ¦

The item Academy: Class Is In Session

item Expertise at Your Fingertips

item has positioned itself at the forefront of innovation in digital engineering yet again with the launch of the latest training tool in the Americas: the item Academy. This tool, beneficial for partners, customers, and team members, is accessible free-of-charge from any internet browser.

When the expertise of item is at your fingertips, what can you learn?

The courses available on the item Academy range from general introductions to the principles behind lean production, the design of ergonomic work benches, to the prevention of electrostatic discharges.

Take a Course Walk-Through

Each course begins with a glimpse into what you can expect to take away from the experience. Let’s look at the course “Lean Production: A practical introduction to the principles” as an example. Users can expect to learn:

  •  What’s at the heart of the lean philosophy
  •  Why one-piece flow is the ideal, but not the solution to all problems
  •  How to improve your production processes step-by-step

If you are familiar with lean production, you’re free to skip ahead in the table of contents to whatever catches your interest, whether it’s “reducing and avoiding overproduction” or “how OPF (flow production) works.” If you’re totally new to lean production, the training cards will walk you through the concept, increasing your familiarity using real-life examples and data to illustrate the principles and concepts.

class is in session, item Academy, item Expertise at Your Fingertips

More Personal Training

In addition to training cards and courses that users can walk through themselves at their own pace, the item Academy houses additional digital tools. Installation Guides walk users through fastening sets and components, ensuring safe and secure implementation for the full strength of item.

Beyond specific component installation guides, the Academy also includes a “Practical tips” section designed to speed up, improve, and simplify your day-to-day processes. Explore everything from how spacers can speed up assembly work, to how you can remove an anti-torsion feature.

Interested in seeing or hearing someone else walk you through the tools and expertise of item? The item Academy offers you two options: first, you can select the “presence training” to explore the potential for personal training. Alternatively, you can explore recordings of item Webinars, hosted by valued item Experts, on the valuable digital engineering tools like the item Configurators.


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