Published On: August 11th, 2020 ¦ Categories: Industries, Know-how, Research ¦ 1.6 min read ¦ Views: 1679 ¦

Ergologistic® the perfect balance

Ergonomic work benches and efficient intralogistics:
Solutions in perfect harmony.

The main function of ergonomics is the adaptation of workplaces to man. The main objective is to adapt products, tasks, environment, and tools to the needs and capabilities of people, improving efficiency, safety and welfare of users or workers. Ergonomics helps to improve working conditions and the health of the workers. An ergonomic work system is characterized by the exact height adjustment of office tables and chairs. In a personalized workplace, employees can develop their full potential.

item was the first to offer an ergonomic industrial workplace system and received an award from the German “Healthy Backs” Association. With item, you can create a workplace design with technical and economic benefits.

Intralogistics refers to the optimization of material logistics processes in a company. This means simple and fast material resupply in efficient quantities and commercial standard containers, all oriented to internal processes – all with the aim of improving the company’s performance. By combining efficient inatralogistics with ergonomic work tables, you get item’s concept of ergologistic® which makes processes more efficient and increases productivity.

Intralogistics in the workplace

For more efficient processes and increased productivity item developed ergologistic®. An innovative form of work bench design, the concept provides your employees with safe and ergonomic material provision and specifically optimizes the efficiency of the material flow.

Ergologistics allows the user to:

  • Avoid unnecessary physical strain
  • Reduce stock levels and warehousing
  • Reduce waiting times
  • Prevent waste in production

It also makes it possible for workers of all ages, sizes and abilities to work in a way that suits their physical abilities and to efficiently avoid arduous and uncomfortable movements.

Why ergologistic®?

Unlike most current production systems, item ergologistic® strikes the perfect balance between the requirements of ergonomic work benches and efficient intralogistics:

Some benefits of ergologistic®:

  • Optimize the timings of manual production steps
  • Save time in logistics processes
  • Boost the efficiency of production processes
  • Keep staff fit, healthy, and happier

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