Published On: December 25th, 2019 ¦ Categories: News, People, USA/ Canada ¦ 3 min read ¦ Views: 993 ¦

2019: A Year in Review

2019 is coming to a close, and the holidays are upon us.

As we look forwarded to 2020, the item America team is reflecting upon a 2019 that brought innovation and excitement to the manufacturing industry.

Putting the “Fun” in “Functional”

Keeping the holiday party theme going, item kicked off the new year featuring the versatile capabilities of the MB Building Kit System. The first highlighted use shared an interactive light installation at an art festival in Eindhoven in the Netherlands; the second feature showcased versatility in helping employee welfare with a custom-built solution helping a physically impaired employee work in a reclining position.

Featuring the innovative item Lean Production System, we’ve demonstrated the ingenious use of a karakuri solution for the automotive industry to improve processes to their ultimate efficiency levels. The Lean Production system also lent its versatility to implementing the Poka-Yoke system, an element of the 7 Muda concept that aims to avoid errors.

Design Gone Digital

Continuing to lead the way to Industry 4.0, item America emphasized its digital engineering capabilities this year. The item Engineeringtool gained attention for its ease of use and the time it saves users in the design process. Haven’t jumped on the digital engineering bandwagon? We’ve covered the benefits of digitization in mechanical engineering, as well as a list of skills becoming ever more important in the digital revolution.

Still on the fence about how digital engineering can help change your processes? item Experts provided their candid opinions on how helpful the web-based program is, how unique the program’s capabilities are, and how it makes the non-engineer an engineer.


2019 saw a year of growth and relationship building as item formed new bonds with like-minded groups and companies. In April of 2019, item joined Germany’s Society for Labour Sciences (GfA), striving to promote working conditions that are efficient and healthy in equal measure.

In August, item America joined eFlex Systems’ Partner Program as a Complement Partner, combining our industry-leading products with eFlex’s to promote the growth of sustainable, world-class manufacturing and digital initiatives.


Whether through trade shows or events on behalf of the Advancing Women Engineers initiative, item Experts stayed on-the-move this year.

The traveling for the Advancing Women Engineers team kicked off with a trip to the Women in Automotive conference in Orlando, Florida, this summer where the group spoke on behalf of the AWE program about their role in finding and featuring women making strides in the engineering field. In October, the Advancing Women Engineers team journeyed to Guanajuato, Mexico to attend Industrial Transformation Mexico, an event by Hannover Messe. Delivering a keynote address and participating in a panel on women in the industry, the AWEsome team communicated their goal of featuring groundbreakers and glass ceiling breakers.

This year, the item America Headquarters in Hagerstown, Maryland opened its doors for a special event: its first-ever open house. Expert training sessions as well as tours and displays opened the world of item innovation up to an entirely new audience. The Open House wasn’t the only opportunity to get item in front of a new crowd; The Assembly Show featured a display of item’s innovative and ingenious solutions, ready to be customized or designed to fit any consumer’s needs.

We hope the blog has served as inspiration for solutions, applications, and groundbreakers from the world of item. We wish all of our readers, customers, and partners a happy holiday season and a great start to the new year! We’ll see you in 2020, ready to innovate even more.




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